Online Fraud

person in black hoodie wearing white mask
Type: Vocabulary
Originally published on November 17, 2021 and last updated on July 21, 2023

The topic of “Online Fraud” is crucial for English learners as it equips them with essential knowledge and language skills to navigate the digital landscape safely. Exploring this topic enhances vocabulary related to cybersecurity and deceptive practices, enabling learners to identify and understand different forms of online fraud.

Engaging with this topic fosters critical thinking and promotes responsible online behaviour, ensuring learners can confidently navigate the internet and guard against potential scams, ultimately improving their digital literacy and overall language proficiency.

Go through the vocabulary below with your students and ask them to try and use this vocabaulry where possible when discussing the different conversation questions.

Online Fraud Review

Online fraud, a prevalent and concerning issue in the digital era, refers to deceptive practices aimed at exploiting unsuspecting individuals for financial gain or sensitive information. Perpetrators utilise various online platforms, such as phishing emails, fake websites or social engineering tactics, to deceive victims into divulging personal data or making unauthorised transactions.

This topic delves into the common types of online fraud, ways to recognise and avoid scams and the importance of cybersecurity measures to safeguard against potential threats. Raising awareness about online fraud is vital to protect oneself and foster a secure online environment.

Useful Vocabulary

Try and use the following vocabulary when answering the question. Click to look up the definition in the dictionary

  • course of action (phrase)
  • as a result of (something) (phrase)
  • ban (verb)
  • fine (noun)
  • investigate (verb)
  • identity (noun)
  • punishment (noun)
  • cibersecurity (noun)
  • scam (noun)

Conversation Questions

My Image
  • Have you ever received suspicious emails or messages asking for personal information?
  • What are some common signs that an online offer or website might be fraudulent?
  • Have you ever been a victim of identity theft? What happened?
  • What measures do you take to ensure your personal information is secure online?
  • Do you think your passwords should be more difficult to guess?
  • Do you think buying things online is safe?
  • Have you heard any stories of people experiencing online fraud? What happened?
  • What common practices should people take to ensure they don't fall victim to online fraud?
  • How can social media be used for online fraud?
  • What should you do if you suspect you've been a victim of online fraud?
  • Should individuals be solely responsible for protecting themselves from online fraud?
  • What course of action do you think the government should take to reduce online fraud?
  • Is it possible to completely eliminate online fraud, or will it always be a risk?
  • Is education and awareness the most effective way to combat online fraud?
  • Should social media platforms have stricter measures to verify the identity of their users and prevent fraud?
This conversation topic was prepared by Gregory

Gregory is a qualified TEFL teacher who has been teaching English as a Foreign Language (ESL) for over a decade. He has taught in-person classes in Spain and to English learners around the world online.