Should (Recommendations)

Women Sitting on the Chair while Having Conversation
Type: Grammar
Originally published on February 23, 2023 and last updated on May 15, 2023

Giving recommendations using “should” is a fundamental grammar topic for English learners to practice in order to improve their overall level and fluency in the language. Knowing how to use “should” allows learners to express their opinions in a polite and effective way, and it is a skill that can be applied to a wide range of everyday situations.

By practicing conversations that involve giving recommendations, learners can become more comfortable with using complex grammatical structures such as modals and conditional forms, which are essential for communicating in English. Additionally, these types of practice conversations can help learners develop their speaking skills, build their confidence, and expand their vocabulary.

Firstly, go through the theory of the grammar point to make sure your students fully understand when and how it is used. Then ask them to say what their recommendations would be for each of situations below. Try and engage the students in conversation with follow up questions or comments if they only give one short answers.

Explanation and Examples

“Should” is a modal verb in English that is often used to give recommendations. To use “should” in this way, follow this grammatical structure:

Subject + should + base verb

For example, “You should eat more vegetables” or “He should study more to pass the exam.”

When you use “should,” you are suggesting what someone ought to do. It is a polite way to give advice and can be used in many different situations, such as when recommending a book or movie, suggesting a restaurant, or giving advice on a problem.

Conversation Questions

My Image
  • I want to eat something healthy, but I don't have much time to cook. What should I make?
  • I'm feeling stressed. What should I do to relax?
  • I'm planning a trip to a new city and want to make the most of my time there. What should I see and do?
  • I'm having trouble falling asleep at night. What should I do to sleep better?
  • I'm trying to decide whether to take an online or in-person English class. What should I choose?
  • I want to improve my English pronunciation. What should I practice?
  • I'm looking for a new hobby to try out. What should I try?
  • I'm trying to save more money each month. What should I do to cut back on expenses?
  • I want to learn more about American culture. What should I read or watch?
  • I want to exercise, but I don't enjoy going to the gym. What should I do to stay active?
  • I'm trying to eat less meat, but I'm not sure what to cook for dinners. What should I make?
  • I have some free time this weekend and want to do something fun. What should I do?
  • I'm trying to improve my writing skills. What should I practice?
  • I'm feeling lonely and want to meet new people. What should I do to make new friends?
  • I want to start a small business, but I'm not sure what to sell. What should I offer?
  • I'm planning a party and want to make sure everyone has a good time. What should I do to make it fun?
  • I'm having trouble staying focused at work. What should I do to be more productive?
  • I want to reduce my environmental impact. What should I do to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle?
  • I'm trying to choose a new book to read. What should I read next?
This conversation topic was prepared by Gregory

Gregory is a qualified TEFL teacher who has been teaching English as a Foreign Language (ESL) for over a decade. He has taught in-person classes in Spain and to English learners around the world online.