Alcohol Vs Marijuana

Type: Vocabulary
Originally published on July 9, 2019 and last updated on August 7, 2023

The topic of alcohol vs marijuana offers a stimulating conversation platform for English learners, promoting critical thinking and language development. Exploring the contrasting aspects of these substances encourages vocabulary expansion related to health, legality and societal attitudes.

Additionally, it sparks discussions on cultural norms, personal choices and the impact of substance use on individuals and society. Delving into this topic helps learners develop argumentation skills, express opinions and understand diverse perspectives, fostering language fluency while navigating complex social issues.

Go through the vocabulary below with your students and ask them to try and use this vocabaulry where possible when discussing the different conversation questions.

About Alcohol Vs Marijuana

The majority of adults in many countries drink alcohol, and those that drink it will often do so for many different reasons from socialising with friends, relaxing on the sofa or de-stressing after work. It seems to be an accepted way to unwind and enjoy ourselves. Apart from the obvious dangers of drinking and driving after consuming alcohol, most people consider it to be a fairly harmless part of their lives.

Marijuana on the other hand has a much more negative reputation attached to it, where many people associate it with drug addicts and generally having a very negative effect on peoples’ lives. However, with more and more research going into the benefits of marijuana it is now more debatable whether it is actually worse than alcohol at all.

Useful Vocabulary

Try and use the following vocabulary when answering the question. Click to look up the definition in the dictionary

  • health (noun)
  • smoke (verb)
  • addictive (adjective)
  • give up (phrasal verb)
  • quit (noun)
  • reputation (verb)
  • drunk (adjective)
  • high (adjective)

Conversation Questions

My Image
  • What do you think about alcohol and marijuana?
  • What are the rules about using alcohol and marijuana in your country?
  • How are alcohol and marijuana different?
  • Can you name any positive and negative effects of using alcohol and marijuana?
  • Why do you think some people smoke marijuana and some drink alcohol?
  • Do you think the negative reputation marijuana has is justified?
  • Which one do you think is worse for our general health?
  • Should alcohol and marijuana be legal? Why or why not?
  • What are some ways to stay safe when using alcohol or marijuana?
  • Should alcohol and marijuana be allowed for medical purposes only?
  • Should there be an age limit for buying and using alcohol and marijuana? What should it be?
  • How can we educate people about the risks and benefits of alcohol and marijuana?
This conversation topic was prepared by Gregory

Gregory is a qualified TEFL teacher who has been teaching English as a Foreign Language (ESL) for over a decade. He has taught in-person classes in Spain and to English learners around the world online.